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Revive your email marketing with newsletters

Revive your email marketing with newsletters

September 8th, 2021

Email marketing isn’t dead. It’s reborn!

Email marketing has come under a lot of scrutiny in the last few years. Some people are even in the middle of writing its obituary. But email marketing is far from dead, with the majority of marketers agreeing it is one of the most cost-effective ways of marketing to existing clients with exceptional ROI potential.

But email marketing can only be a success if it moves with the times. The days of sending out short emails to subscribers are long gone. Now, businesses are choosing to revive their email marketing with longer-form content newsletters.

Cough. Yes, this is an example of one too.

What really is a digital newsletter?

A newsletter is a way for a business to provide its loyal customers and subscribers with new information about the business and its products and services. They might even throw in exclusive discounts within the newsletter too. Some newsletters take a value-content approach by choosing to give back to their market with valuable information. That’s the main aim from us here at WEBPRO.

The digital newsletter is an ideal replacement for outdated email marketing techniques, providing eye-catching colour and visuals and written content.

Are newsletters still worth the trouble?


Although it would be easier to write an email than it is to design and fill a newsletter, the latter is certainly worth the effort. Newsletters typically have an overarching goal to stay connected and communicating with current clients.

Ongoing clients spend more at once because they already trust you, and they account for 60% or more of a typical business’s profits. Add in the data suggesting you need to spend 5 times more to attract new clients than you would need to spend to keep your current ones interested – and it all paints a clear picture.

Putting more effort into email marketing to communicate regularly with current clients is a wiser investment. And if that means making exciting newsletters that keep converting rather than dull marketing emails, it’s more than worth your time.  

The importance of a newsletter template

If you are going to create digital newsletters as part of your email campaign, it is best to inject some standardisation and consistency.

The first way to do this is to use the same template for your newsletters. Some platforms out there can help you with this, but WEBPRO is also on hand to assist if needed.

And it’s not just about creating a single newsletter format. The newsletter itself should match the rest of your materials, such as your website, business branding, email signature, tone of language and the rest of it. If your current clients are already sold on your brand – why stray away from this winning formula?

Cutting corners without cutting quality

There is an excellent way to create the content for your newsletters and save time without sacrificing quality.

If you already create business blogs to drive traffic to your website, you can use the same content and repurpose it for your newsletters. You won't be able to copy it over word-for-word in most cases, but even taking the topic and adjusting the content can save you lots of research and writing time.

And content repurposing doesn’t have to stop there. You can also post the content onto your other pages, such as a Medium account.

eMarketing services from WEBPRO

If you want to revive your email marketing campaigns with newsletters, you can call on WEBPRO professionals to help. Whether you just need a consultation on how to do it right or want us to take over all aspects, from newsletter design to content writing, we are on hand to support your marketing needs.

Speak with our team to breathe new life into your marketing and maintain your valuable market share.

Recap: Email marketing is a cost-effective way to stay in touch with your valuable ongoing clients. It’s much cheaper to stay connected to these clients compared to marketing to new ones. Email marketing remains an effective way to achieve this aim, but it is made better with modern email marketing techniques. Using digital newsletters is the best way to keep communicating with clients in 2021. And you can save time by repurposing your blog content for your newsletter!

P.S. WEBPRO can help with all aspects of email marketing and digital newsletters. We’re just a call away!

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