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Considering podcasts and webinars

22nd August, 2023

Podcasts and webinars aren’t usually the first type of content creation that businesses consider. But should they be? They’re a fantastic way to stand out in crowded markets and they can create multiple benefits for (prospective) clients and the business itself. We discuss the possibility and benefits of launching your own business podcast or webinar series below.

Should businesses use podcasts and webinars?

Businesses should definitely consider a podcast or webinar series when possible. Some business owners won’t have considered these options within their marketing before, usually because they’re assumed to require specialist knowledge to put together or because they’re time-consuming and expensive. However, they don’t have to be any of these things and even small businesses could launch a successful podcast or webinar.

Consumers now expect more interactive forms of content from the businesses they use. By creating a podcast or webinar you cater to this surging demand while also providing consumers and leads with genuine value. And because many businesses aren’t using these marketing methods – compared to blogging per se – you automatically stand out. But these aren’t the only benefits of these marketing strategies

Business benefits of podcasting and webinars

Both podcasting and webinars are all about getting your business known. One of the biggest benefits of these marketing methods is brand awareness or brand recognition. They get your name and maybe your products or services in front of more people which in itself can increase sales. But podcasts and webinars do something else to boot. They contribute to your EEAT, which stands for your Expertise, Experience, Authority and Trustworthiness.

EEAT is Google’s search quality rater, used to score search ranking. Establishing and promoting your EEAT will come naturally within podcasts and webinars because the content of these methods will provide plenty of opportunities to discuss relevant topics, therefore podcasts and webinars could contribute to your business’s online success in this area too.

Content can be repurposed for cost-effectiveness

Repurposing content is a great way to make the most of marketing investments. You might use content from email newsletters to create blogs or vice versa. But you can even use content from elsewhere to inform topics within webinars and podcasts - or the other way around.

This should help you save time on coming up with content strategies across different mediums and it will probably save you money at the same time. If you’re already publishing regular blogs, you’ve probably come up with scores of interesting webinar and podcast topics as part of that process. You just need to make the most of them.

Podcast vs webinar – how to choose?

If you’re currently not creating podcasts or webinars, we understand that it’s unlikely you’re going to rush out and start doing both at once. With this in mind, which one should you begin with?

Podcasting as a business is probably the more innovative method which is likely to make you stand out better. But podcasting effectively will require some equipment to ensure excellent sound quality. Poor quality could reflect badly on your business, so it’s important to do it right if you decide podcasting is better.

On the other hand, webinars are a little easier as a starting point because they can utilise existing computers using standard software quite easily. Webinars usually involve fewer people, and possibly just a PowerPoint presentation, so they can be the cost-effective option too.  However, it’s always best to consider your business audience and target market when deciding.

Recap: Businesses should seriously consider incorporating podcasts and webinars into their marketing strategies. These forms of content cater to the increasing demand for engaging experiences from consumers. By utilising podcasts and webinars, businesses not only differentiate themselves from competitors but also enhance brand awareness and recognition. Moreover, these platforms provide opportunities to establish expertise, experience, authority, and trustworthiness (EEAT), which are crucial for online success. Our team can help you launch a podcast or webinar. Get in touch for support.


Despite their effectiveness, webinars are only the 10th most common marketing strategy in 2023, offering real opportunity for spearheading businesses!

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