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“The website I never knew I needed”

6th January, 2023

“What I was most impressed with is the website isn’t a template, which I thought it might be. It’s really a bespoke website and it’s fantastic”

We sat down with one of our clients recently to discuss how they experienced WEBPRO and our bespoke website design service. Learn all about Eddy below and how WEBPRO has helped this worthy cause become more than just a podcast.

Who are Eddy?

Eddy is a support network for fathers who have lost a child or are parenting a child with a disability or mental illness. It was founded by Scott Jackson, who has first-hand experience of loss and what it’s like to raise a child with a disability. He quickly realised there wasn’t sufficient help and support for dads in his situation and decided to do something about it. Eddy was initially and solely planned as a podcast, but as we will explain in this case study, a website allowed Eddy to become so much more with even more potential in the near future.

If you know a father who has lost a child or is parenting a child with disabilities or mental illness, don’t hesitate to recommend Eddy to them. A helpful community could make a world of difference to them, which can be found here. Even if you can’t recommend anyone to Eddy, consider checking out the site to get an idea of our work.

The web design process – trust and genuine care

Scott was a unique client because he has a background in website design. Should he find the time in a busy schedule, he is more than capable of creating a template website using one of the many web design builders online. But our team recognised the importance of the work Scott is achieving with Eddy – outside of his day job we might add! – and offered to design him a 100% bespoke website for free. We strongly believed that only a bespoke website was good enough for this bespoke cause.

“As a client you want the service provider to care as much as you do – and I really felt that”

Scott is a self-confessed control freak who likes to have control of the projects he’s involved in. He describes Eddy as the most personal and dearest project to him of all, so being able to trust the WEBPRO team with its website was crucial. He told us that he acquired a team of people who really cared about the project, stating that as a client you want the service provider to care as much as you do and he felt that was the case.

He recognised the collaborative approach taken by WEBPRO where he would suggest ideas and our team would come back with ideas. We didn’t just say yes to all of his ideas and execute them; we took the time to look at what he really needed and offer professional input and suggestions. This is a fantastic way of working with clients and something we always strive to do.

A website Scott never knew he needed

As mentioned earlier, Eddy was initially planned as a podcast only and Scott didn’t have overly ambitious plans for a website. His original thought was to get a simple one-page website where visitors could access podcast episodes. But we explained the benefits of having a more elaborate site and how it could become the foundation for Eddy. Today, Scott tells us that the website has become the anchor for Eddy where stories can be uploaded and shared as part of a growing online community of fathers. Scott now has further plans for the website as well, which we will return to later.

“The website became the anchor for Eddy. It’s what Eddy is about now!”

We’re pleased and proud to see how a website has brought Eddy to life and helped the charity progress to more than a podcast. After all, not everyone listens to podcasts, so the website allows Eddy to become more accessible to more fathers with further resources for support and help. Many clients don’t initially see the true value of a website, and this is a great example of how a website can usually have more benefits than you first might think.

Scott’s aspirations for 2023

Our chat with Scott finished by discussing his aspirations for Eddy in 2023. He wants to see the website grow with more stories shared to create a bigger support network. He will also consider scaling up the website. The website was originally scaled down with all hands on deck to meet a tight launch date. But Scott will consider scaling up with a blog where professionals can contribute articles with information to help fathers, rather than just stories from other dads. A blog will be great for the site’s Search Engine Optimisation and will help grow the Eddy community even more.

Click here to see our Eddy portfolio.

View more client stories

As a business matures, its goals evolve. A business that is just starting out will have different goals at the beginning of their journey than when it is older.
Creating a website is an essential part of business success but it’s understandably not usually something that business owners specialise in.
Getting any business started can be challenging, especially when you’re in the competitive financial advice sector.

Are you looking for a website you can be proud of? We take great pride in each and every website we create, just like we did for Scott.