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How to set goals for your Google Ads campaigns

18th October, 2024

If you’re looking for effective ways to drive business sales, pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, such as Google Ads could be the answer.

When done right, they can considerably improve your reach and bring more potential clients to your website, and subsequently products and services.

What are Google Ads?

Google Ads is Google’s PPC advertising service. Businesses can bid on keyphrases for the opportunity to present ads in Google search results.

It’s only when a potential client clicks on your ad and arrives at your site or calls your business that you pay.

Ads can be fine-tuned at any point to steer reach towards your target clients.

When we tell you that PPC visitors are 50% more liable to buy than visitors who arrive at your website organically, it’s clear that paid search can be a game-changer. Add the fact that it’s possible to maximise your return on investment (ROI) by 50% and potentially more and it’s a no-brainer.

For premium results, a clever PPC strategy is a must. Effective PPC campaigns need a great deal of research and careful planning.

Setting realistic goals is vital.

Why are PPC campaign goals important?  

PPC campaign goals are what form your PPC strategy. They need to align with your business objectives. It’s about knowing what you need to achieve and using your PPC goals to make that happen, through digital marketing and search campaigns. Let’s look at that in more detail.  

How to set PPC campaign goals

  • Identifying your current business needs

Being aware of your current business needs is crucial. It may sound obvious but, of course, they do change or fluctuate. As you start to set your goals, the first thing to do is ask yourself what purpose a PPC campaign will serve. Why does your business need one? Perhaps your brand is traditional, and you’d like it to bring it more up to date, using new and current keyphrases, for example. Or maybe your business is new, and you want to increase brand awareness. PPC campaigns can help all kinds of businesses.

  • Aligning your PPC strategy with your business objectives

Once you’ve confirmed your current business goals, the next step is to align clear and achievable PPC goals to meet those objectives. These goals should be challenging – they may even be potentially complex – but not so stretching that they are impossible to see through to fruition.

So, what specific campaign goals might you set?

Depending on the needs of your business, you might want to focus on one or more of the following areas:

Increase website traffic
If getting more people to your website is what you want to concentrate on, PPC advertising allows you to set regular targets and keep an eye on how well the campaign is working; how many impressions and clicks you are achieving. Impressions are how often your content has appeared on a screen, or as Google puts it: ‘how often your ad is shown’. Clicks are actions potential clients take on seeing your content. It’s often as a result of a call to action (CTA). It shows your campaign is doing its job.

Comprehensive keyphrase research and high-quality content that’s relevant is important to attract your target audience.

Heighten brand awareness
For raising brand awareness, aim to reach a greater target audience. Look for ways to generate additional constructive engagement. Promotions are often a great way to do this.

Video and image-based ads can really capture potential clients’ attention and Google Display Network campaigns tend to prove an effective platform for these. Reach those browsing millions of websites, apps, YouTube, Gmail and more.

Boost sales and lead generation
To achieve sales goals, look to obtain more conversions. The PPC conversion tracking tool can highlight important findings. You can then adjust your PPC category accordingly. For example, allocate more of your budget to keyphrases with higher conversion rates.

  • Establishing short-term and long-term goals

PPC should be taken seriously. Even though it’s recognised for delivering fast conversions, when compared with search engine optimisation (SEO), it’s important to be in it for the long haul.

Whilst it can offer fantastic short-term results, how you set it up will impact its effectiveness over the long-term, so it’s important to be sure it’s set for success.

With Google Ads campaigns, you are able to set weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, six-monthly and annual goals.

To learn more about Google Ads services at WEBPRO, contact our team of specialists today.

Measuring success and analysing performance

We’ve already touched on how it’s possible to evaluate the effectiveness of your campaign. Doing so is critical to the success of your marketing efforts. Good or bad, you need to know what’s working and what’s not. Only then can you make adjustments to make sure your business is on track to achieve those goals.

By reviewing your identified keyphrases and tracking what you did to achieve your objectives, you can repeat the process next time you need to, refining as necessary.

Google Analytics is an invaluable tool that can help give insights into the performance of your website. It can provide data on how potential clients are interacting with your site and what they find appealing.

If you are looking for specific information, the chances are you’ll be able to access it. For example, if you’d like to know how your brand awareness is faring, engagement levels with your current ads can be seen by way of your click-through rate (CTR).  

Recap: Google Ads are a form of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising where you only pay when someone clicks on one of your ads. PPC and Google Ads campaigns can take your business to another level. Taking all the right steps and using all the right tools, you can boost your business in next to no time, all while setting it up for sustainable growth.

WEBPRO knows

Brand awareness can increase by 80% with Google Ads. If you’re a new business looking to make a name for yourself, this could be the way to go.

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Make your business the one that puts a little ooh in Google Ads.