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We support...

Graphic showing people holding a heart together

...some amazing charities

Here at WEBPRO, it's really important to us that we give back. There are various charities that we support regularly and throughout the year, as a team, we get involved with as many charity events as we can.

Here are some of the things we have been doing lately...

Graphic of a heart

Wear a Hat Day

Not all of us have a suitable hat so, in March 2024, our talented Graphic Designer gave the team their very own hats in aid of Brain Tumour Research. It's a funny picture but for a very good cause and we're proud to have supported it.

From Brain Tumour Research:
"Wear A Hat Day is Brain Tumour Research’s annual event raising money to bring hope to brain tumour patients and their families. Every March, as Brain Tumour Awareness Month comes to a close, people from all walks of life put on their favourite hat at work, in school, with friends and family, and hold hat-themed events and make donations to help find a cure for brain tumours, which kill more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer."

Go Red for Heart Month

In February 2024, we supported the British Heart Foundation with their Go Red for Heart Month.

From the British Heart Foundation:
"Go Red for Heart Month is all about getting together with your community to raise money for lifesaving research. Whether it's losing a loved one to a cardiac arrest or coping with the devastating impact of heart failure, too many of us have felt the pain of heart and circulatory diseases. We’re urging the nation to help us save and improve more lives by Going Red this February."

Brew Monday

We drink a lot of tea here at WEBPRO but on this day in January 2024, it was for a very special cause as we were supporting Samaritans with their Brew Monday campaign.

Samaritans say:
"The third Monday in January is sometimes referred to as ‘the most difficult day of the year’ but this is a myth. At Samaritans we know there’s no such thing as ‘Blue Monday’ – we all have our good days and our bad days, and those aren’t for the calendar to decide.

So we say it's time to stop this myth about Monday being 'blue' and instead start a conversation over a brew! ​Reach out and connect with family, friends, colleagues and loved ones."

Circus Starr

Every year we purchase and donate a number of tickets for the Circus Starr winter tour in Harrow and December 2023 was no different. This organisation make a huge difference to the lives of children and their families and we are proud to support them.

In their own words:
"We bring all the fun of the circus to children and families that may have found this difficult in the past. We know that a circus is a family event that brings everyone closer, encourages creativity and allows people to become stronger and more able to face life’s challenges head on. We tour the UK bringing the very best in circus talent from around the world and stage 148 incredible, animal-free shows every year."

Know a charity that should be on our list? We'd love to hear about it!