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5 key takeaways from our website content webinar!

September 20th, 2022

We’ll forgive you for missing our free website content webinar, but don’t forget to register a spot on our other upcoming webinars. If you did miss out and want your website content to perform better and generate more traffic, we’ve summarised the key points of our discussion below.

The WEBPRO team are always available to help you with your website content. We offer a range of services to improve your website’s ROI, from SEO content writing and video creation to online calculators and much more. Speak with us for details and a free quote.

#1: Website content is...

…the most important asset on your website. As we will explain in the sections below, website content is incredibly valuable to a business because it’s the content on your website that determines how many people see your products and services, which then affects how many sales you can potentially make.

But remember that website content is more than just written text. Sometimes website content is synonymous with website writing, and although it’s an important part of your content, it’s certainly not the only thing involved. Images, videos, animations and even interactive elements like financial calculators all make up “website content”.

#2: Website content has two audiences

Website content has two types of audiences. The first audience is the people who use the internet and visit your website, i.e. your potential clients. The second audience is Google or any other search engine.

Both audiences gauge what your business does and what it offers by the content on the website. Whereas internet surfers use this information to decide to enquire, make a purchase or leave your website, a search engine uses your website content to rank your website within its Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Your SERP ranking has a huge impact on how many website visitors you receive, so the two audiences are interlinked.

#3: How to choose website images

Website images are important because people process images faster than written text and it helps to break up content, making it more appealing. Website images can be stock images paid for from special websites or they can be unique images taken yourself or by a professional photographer.

Using stock images is fine, but you must choose the images carefully. You should only use high-quality images and try to choose images that will resonate with your target market. For example, if you include people in your images, ensure these people match the age of your target market and try to use people of different races. You want website visitors to see themselves in your website images. There may be times when you should only use professional bespoke images to ensure clarity, such as for products and team members.

#4: The importance of video content

Around 71% of professional marketers believe website videos increase conversion rates. This makes sense when you consider how easy it is to consume information in video format compared to written text, especially when we’re busier than ever before. Videos also keep people on your website longer, even if they don’t end up enquiring or buying. Google recognises this, which then helps to maintain or improve your SERP ranking.

One of the most beneficial types of website videos is an explainer video. This is simply a video that explains how a product or service works. It’s sometimes achieved with a cartoon-style video or it can be done with real staff members demonstrating or explaining the product or service. The latter is beneficial because it puts a face to your business and can therefore enhance clients’ trust.

#5: Search Engine Optimisation

Search Engine Optimisation has had a few mentions in the sections above. But it deserves an exclusive mention in relation to the written text you add to your website. Your written content can be optimised for search engines by “speaking” how the people search for you “speak”.

Your written text should include words, phrases and questions that most frequently get searched online by your target market. You can learn what these are by completing SEO keyword research – or getting our SEO experts to do it for you. When you add SEO keyphrases to your content, Google will rank your website higher and enable you to attract more website visitors.

Don’t miss our next free marketing webinar!

Our first two webinars covered owning a website and website content, but that’s not the full story. Online marketing strategies are essential to generate more website traffic and increase sales. So how do you get it right?

Find out what to do and what not to do by registering a place on our online marketing webinar coming soon. We’ll be looking at the most common digital marketing strategies and explaining which ones are the most effective in 2022. It’s 100% free and you’re guaranteed valuable insights!

#Creative Content #Videography & Animation #Images & Photography #Website Traffic #SEO #Google Ranking #Online Marketing


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